Get to Know the Ocean
The Canadian Network for Ocean Education (CaNOE) strives to amplify, promote and create access to Ocean Education across Canada through its vast network of collaborators and members.
Get Involved and Support Ocean Literacy
Our Programs Canoe Currents
Our Programs Feature Friday
Our Programs Ocean Education Wednesday
Our Programs Canoe Chats
Our Programs
Canoe Currents
The CaNOE Currents program is looking for youth (individuals under the age of 30) to promote ocean literacy across Canada by creating ocean educational content such as a blog post, Tik Tok, or videos. The educational content will be featured on the CaNOE website and social media channels.
Our Programs
Feature Friday
Feature Friday is a CaNOE networking program that features and shares the passion from an ocean-loving organization or individual who is doing amazing work in the realm of ocean education or marine conservation. We try to feature a diverse array of organizations or individuals across the country, and sometimes international organizations are featured as well!
Our Programs
Ocean Education Wednesday
Ocean Education Wednesday fits perfectly within any Biology, Natural Science or General Science classroom at the junior or high school level and the material has been created not only to allow an informal connection to current curriculum outcomes but is written to stimulate a passion for the many different aspects of ocean literacy.
Our Events
Conference 2024
CaNOE is partnering with the Northwest Aquatic and Marine Educators (NAME) for our 2024 conference in Metchosin, BC! Join us August 10–12, 2024 at Pearson College UWC, located along the forested shores of the Pacific Ocean on the southernmost tip of Vancouver Island in British Columbia. The conference program will include a variety of plenary sessions, workshops, presentations, field trips, social events, and time for networking. There is sure to be something for everyone and we hope to see you all there this summer.
Interested in learning more about the ocean?
Learn more about the work that we do at CaNOE, our programs, and more by signing up for our bi-monthly newsletter.
Our Blog
By: Tatum Freigang The shortest daylight period of the year is fast approaching. On December 21st, us folks in the Northern Hemisphere will experience Winter Solstice. Many traditions around the world both new and ancient have observed and celebrated this period of the year. From Ancient Romans during Saturnalia [...]
Join the Network, Become a Member!
Join your fellow scientists, educators, and ocean enthusiasts in becoming an ocean literacy champion. CaNOE keeps you up-to-date on ocean news and events—training, seminars, conferences, funding opportunities.