The Northern Abalone: Species at Risk
Explore the history of the abalone fishery in B.C. with student presentations and an interactive game (with marshmallows!). English and French.
Explore the history of the abalone fishery in B.C. with student presentations and an interactive game (with marshmallows!). English and French.
Secondary activity and discussion using a measurement tool that allows students to calculate and consider the effects of their personal resource use (English & French).
Lesson plan (grade 4-11) about marine nearshores and some of their inhabitants (eelgrass and forage fish); English & French.
Grades 4 -11; class discussions, research, and activities to learn about deep sea biodiversity, Canada's Endeavour Hydrothermal vent site and it’s designation as a Marine Protected Area (English & French).
Explore connectivity between the marine environment and humans by learning about the impact of sound on harbour porpoise and student empowerment to make a difference (English & French)
Five related lessons where students learn about the natural history of British Columbia's killer whale populations and the threats they face (English & French).
Student/community groups paint yellow fish on road next to storm drains to remind us that all drains lead to salmon habitat (stream to sea); outreach messages and materials included to reduce stormwater pollution.
This resource includes lessons (grade 4-7) on salmon migration and survival in the ocean and estuary, salmon fisheries and watershed studies (English & French).
Education Program that includes resources and curriculum for all grade levels to help students understand, respect and protect local watersheds, from stream to sea (also available in French).