Where the land meets the sea: the nearshore
Lesson plan (grade 4-11) about marine nearshores and some of their inhabitants (eelgrass and forage fish); English & French.
Lesson plan (grade 4-11) about marine nearshores and some of their inhabitants (eelgrass and forage fish); English & French.
Grades 4 -11; class discussions, research, and activities to learn about deep sea biodiversity, Canada's Endeavour Hydrothermal vent site and it’s designation as a Marine Protected Area (English & French).
Explore connectivity between the marine environment and humans by learning about the impact of sound on harbour porpoise and student empowerment to make a difference (English & French)
Five related lessons where students learn about the natural history of British Columbia's killer whale populations and the threats they face (English & French).
Student/community groups paint yellow fish on road next to storm drains to remind us that all drains lead to salmon habitat (stream to sea); outreach messages and materials included to reduce stormwater pollution.
This resource includes lessons (grade 4-7) on salmon migration and survival in the ocean and estuary, salmon fisheries and watershed studies (English & French).
A storybook and classroom activities where students work collaboratively to explore and investigate surface currents found in the ocean and the Great Lakes.
A teacher resource guide to integrate non-appropriated traditional ecological knowledge into the curriculum.
Teaching kit designed to help teachers educate their students about the value of the oceans and marine conservation issues, with a focus on the global fisheries crisis.
Database of weather data from schools over Vancouver Island with associated activities and lesson plans.