Grades 4 - 6

Storm Drain Marketing Plan

Student/community groups paint yellow fish on road next to storm drains to remind us that all drains lead to salmon habitat (stream to sea); outreach messages and materials included to reduce stormwater pollution.

2024-10-15T14:08:09-02:30March 31, 2023|Comments Off on Storm Drain Marketing Plan

Ducks in the Flow

A storybook and classroom activities where students work collaboratively to explore and investigate surface currents found in the ocean and the Great Lakes.

2024-10-15T14:12:47-02:30March 31, 2023|Comments Off on Ducks in the Flow

SeaChoice Sustainable Seafood

Teaching kit designed to help teachers educate their students about the value of the oceans and marine conservation issues, with a focus on the global fisheries crisis.

2024-10-15T14:11:46-02:30March 31, 2023|Comments Off on SeaChoice Sustainable Seafood
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