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Join your fellow scientists, educators, and ocean enthusiasts in becoming an ocean literacy champion. CaNOE keeps you up-to-date on ocean news and events—training, seminars, conferences, funding opportunities!

the ocean with a rocky shoreline and clear blue skies from the point of view of a cliff

Donate to CaNOE

Your support enables CaNOE to work towards its mission and support those within our membership doing great work while also allowing us to help lift up new organizations and reach more Canadians.

Donations of all shapes and sizes are welcome. Individual one-time or monthly as well as larger corporate partnerships and/or sponsorships.

Join a Working Group

Being a part of a working group is great to meet new people from across Canada, learn new skills, be a part of a new network of ocean enthusiasts all while contributing to CaNOE’s mission.

About Us

Learn More About CaNOE

Get to know more about our history, our initiatives, our people, and those who support us, and see why you should get involved!